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Fast and Furious Development with JuilaHub Workflows

On-Demand Webinar

Speed-Up and simplify your software development lifecycle with JuliaHub! With an emphasis on data, analytics, simulations, differential equations, and more - the Julia team is building an enterprise-grade set of tools to deliver even more value to your development teams. Join this webinar and learn how to accelerate your organization’s adoption and management of Julia within the JuliaHub platform.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Use the Julia package registry and bring new Julia packages into JuliaHub.

  • Create a private package repository and Integrate CI into your workflows.

  • Use JuliaHub tooling to provide the easiest on-ramp for enterprise development.

Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++.


Deep Datta
Director of Product Management for JuliaHub

Access this Webinar for free