
Store the settings required for performing EEMD.

Store the settings required for performing the EMD.

eemd(input::Vector{Float64}, s::EEMDSetting)

Return the IMFs computed by EEMD given the settings.

emd(input::Vector{Float64}, s::EMDSetting)

Compute EMD of the input signal with given settings.

hht(signal::Vector{Float64}, s::EEMDSetting)

Return the instantaneous energies and frequencies of the IMFS computed via the Hilbert-Huang transform with EEMD settings specified.

hht(signal::Vector{Float64}, s::EMDSetting)

Return the instantaneous energies and frequencies of the IMFS computed via the Hilbert-Huang transform with EMD settings specified.


Compute the Hilbert transform using the DFT approximation.

compute_instantaneous(signal::Vector{Float64}, imfs::Array{Float64, 2})

Return the instantaneous energy and instantaneous frequencies of the IMFS in the signal.

evaluate_spline(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, n::Int64)

Return spline generated by the first n elements of (x,y).

find_extrema!(x::Vector{Float64}, max_x::Vector{Float64}, max_y::Vector{Float64},
              min_x::Vector{Float64}, min_y::Vector{Float64})

Return the number of maxima, minima, and zero crossings of x after modifying maxx, maxy, minx, miny to contain the maxima and minima of x.

linear_extrapolate(x_0::Float64, y_0::Float64, x_1::Float64, y_1::Float64, x::Int64)

Return the linear extrapolation of x based on x0, x1, y0, y1.

sift!(input::Vector{Float64}, s::EMDSetting)

Return the IMF that satisfies the given settings. In particular, it returns an IMF that satisifes the S number criterion that is found within the set number of siftings.