
These utility functions are meant to provide easy comprehended overall evaluation of Models and Algorithms. For now, the support is limited to Classification Models, but extended further in future.

report_stats(y_pred, y_true; classwise_stats=true, avg_type="macro", sample_weights=nothing)

A utility function that prints the statistics summary of the model based on provided y_pred and y_true.


  • y_pred: predicted values
  • y_true: ground truth values on the basis of which predicted values are to be assessed.
  • classwise_stats=true: if set true, prints classwise stats along with global stats.
  • avg_type="macro": Type of average to be used while calculating precision of multiclass models. Can take values as macro, micro and weighted. Default set to macro.
  • sample_weights: Class weights to be provided when avg_type is set to weighted. Useful in case of imbalanced classes.