Perl_jll.jl (v5.30.3+0)

This is an autogenerated package constructed using BinaryBuilder.jl. The originating build_tarballs.jl script can be found on Yggdrasil, the community build tree.

For more details about JLL packages and how to use them, see BinaryBuilder.jldocumentation.


The tarballs for Perl_jll.jl have been built from these sources:


Perl_jll.jl is available for the following platforms:

  • Linux(:i686, libc=:glibc) (i686-linux-gnu)
  • Linux(:i686, libc=:musl) (i686-linux-musl)
  • MacOS(:x86_64) (x86_64-apple-darwin14)
  • Linux(:x86_64, libc=:glibc) (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  • Linux(:x86_64, libc=:musl) (x86_64-linux-musl)


The following JLL packages are required by Perl_jll.jl:


The code bindings within this package are autogenerated from the following Products:

  • LibraryProduct: libperl
  • ExecutableProduct: perl