
Sparse N-mode array.

vals contains all (L) non-zero elements. pos is NxL matrix of non-zero elements indices. dims is NTuple of array dimensions.


Generates random factor matrices for Tucker/CANDECOMP decompositions if core tensor is r^N hypercube.


  • a vector of N (orig[n], r)-sized matrices

Generates random factor matrices for Tucker/CANDECOMP etc decompositions.

  • orig_dims original tensor dimensions
  • core_dims core tensor dimensions


  • a vector of N (orig[n], core[n])-sized matrices

Unfolds the tensor into matrix, such that the specified group of modes becomes matrix rows and the other one becomes columns.

  • row_modes vector of modes to be unfolded as rows
  • col_modes vector of modes to be unfolded as columns

Gets an array of specific size from the pool. The returned array should be returned back to the pool using release!().

khatrirao!(dest::AbstractMatrix{T}, mtxs::NTuple{N, <:AbstractMatrix{T}})

In-place Khatri-Rao matrices product (column-wise Kronecker product) calculation.

khatrirao(mtxs::NTuple{N, <:AbstractMatrix{T}})

Calculates Khatri-Rao product of a sequence of matrices (column-wise Kronecker product).


Scale the factors and core of the initial decomposition. Each decompositon component is scaled proportional to the number of its elements. After scaling, |decomp|=s


Sparse (semi-)nonnegative Tucker decomposition

Decomposes nonnegative tensor tnsr into optionally nonnegative core tensor and sparse nonnegative factor matrices factors.

  • tnsr nonnegative N-mode tensor to decompose
  • core_dims size of a core densor
  • core_nonneg if true, the output core tensor is nonnegative
  • tol the target error of decomposition relative to the Frobenius norm of tnsr
  • max_iter maximum number of iterations if error stays above tol
  • max_time max running time
  • lambdasN+1 vector of non-negative sparsity regularizer coefficients for the factor matrices and the core tensor
  • Lmin lower bound for Lipschitz constant for the gradients of the residual error eqn{l(Z,U) = fnorm(tnsr - ttl(Z, U))byZand eachU`
  • rw controls the extrapolation weight
  • boundsN+1 vector of the maximal absolute values allows for the elements of core tensor and factor matrices (effective only if the regularization is disabled)
  • ini_decomp initial decomposition, if equals to :hosvd, hosvd() is used to generate the starting decomposition, if nothing, a random decomposition is used
  • verbose more output algorithm progress


  • Tucker decomposition object with additional properties:
* `:converged` method convergence indicator
* `:rel_residue` the Frobenius norm of the residual error `l(Z,U)` plus regularization penalty (if any)
* `:niter` number of iterations
* `:nredo` number of times `core` and `factor` were recalculated to avoid the increase in objective function
* `:iter_diag` convergence info for each iteration, see `SPNNTuckerState`

The function uses the alternating proximal gradient method to solve the following optimization problem: deqn{min 0.5 |tnsr - Z times1 U1 ldots timesK UK |{F^2} + sum{n=1}^{K} lambdan |Un|1 + lambda{K+1} |Z|1, ;text{where; Z geq 0, Ui geq 0.} If core_nonneg is FALSE, core tensor Z is allowed to have negative elements and eqn{z{i,j}=max(0,z{i,j}-lambda{K+1}/L{K+1}}) rule is replaced by eqn{z{i,j}=sign(z{i,j})max(0,|z{i,j}|-lambda{K+1}/L_{K+1})}. The method stops if either the relative improvement of the error is below the tolerance tol for 3 consequitive iterations or both the relative error improvement and relative error (wrt the tnsr norm) are below the tolerance. Otherwise it stops if the maximal number of iterations or the time limit were reached.

The implementation is based on ntds_fapg() MATLAB code by Yangyang Xu and Wotao Yin.

See Y. Xu, "Alternating proximal gradient method for sparse nonnegative Tucker decomposition", Math. Prog. Comp., 7, 39-70, 2015. See http://www.caam.rice.edu/~optimization/bcu/`


Contract N-mode tensor and M matrices.

  • tensor tensor to contract
  • matrices matrices to contract
  • modes corresponding modes of matrices to contract
  • transpose if true, matrices are contracted along their columns

Contract N-mode tensor and M matrices.

  • dest array to hold the result
  • src source tensor to contract
  • matrices matrices to contract
  • modes corresponding modes of matrices to contract
  • transpose if true, matrices are contracted along their columns