Automatic Differentiation

Tensors supports forward mode automatic differentiation (AD) of tensorial functions to compute first order derivatives (gradients) and second order derivatives (Hessians). It does this by exploiting the Dual number defined in ForwardDiff.jl. While ForwardDiff.jl can itself be used to differentiate tensor functions it is a bit awkward because ForwardDiff.jl is written to work with standard Julia Arrays. One therefore has to send the input argument as an Array to ForwardDiff.jl, convert it to a Tensor and then convert the output Array to a Tensor again. This can also be inefficient since these Arrays are allocated on the heap so one needs to preallocate which can be annoying.

Instead, it is simpler to use Tensors own AD API to do the differentiation. This does not require any conversions and everything will be stack allocated so there is no need to preallocate.

The API for AD in Tensors is gradient(f, A) and hessian(f, A) where f is a function and A is a first or second order tensor. For gradient the function can return a scalar, vector (in case the input is a vector) or a second order tensor. For hessian the function should return a scalar.

When evaluating the function with dual numbers, the value (value and gradient in the case of hessian) is obtained automatically, along with the gradient. To obtain the lower order results gradient and hessian accepts a third arguement, a Symbol. Note that the symbol is only used to dispatch to the correct function, and thus it can be any symbol. In the examples the symbol :all is used to obtain all the lower order derivatives and values.

gradient(f::Function, v::Union{SecondOrderTensor, Vec, Number})
gradient(f::Function, v::Union{SecondOrderTensor, Vec, Number}, :all)

Computes the gradient of the input function. If the (pseudo)-keyword all is given, the value of the function is also returned as a second output argument.


julia> A = rand(SymmetricTensor{2, 2});

julia> ∇f = gradient(norm, A)
2×2 SymmetricTensor{2,2,Float64,3}:
 0.434906  0.56442
 0.56442   0.416793

julia> ∇f, f = gradient(norm, A, :all);
hessian(f::Function, v::Union{SecondOrderTensor, Vec, Number})
hessian(f::Function, v::Union{SecondOrderTensor, Vec, Number}, :all)

Computes the hessian of the input function. If the (pseudo)-keyword all is given, the lower order results (gradient and value) of the function is also returned as a second and third output argument.


julia> A = rand(SymmetricTensor{2, 2});

julia> ∇∇f = hessian(norm, A)
2×2×2×2 SymmetricTensor{4,2,Float64,9}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
  0.596851  -0.180684
 -0.180684  -0.133425

[:, :, 2, 1] =
 -0.180684   0.133546
  0.133546  -0.173159

[:, :, 1, 2] =
 -0.180684   0.133546
  0.133546  -0.173159

[:, :, 2, 2] =
 -0.133425  -0.173159
 -0.173159   0.608207

julia> ∇∇f, ∇f, f = hessian(norm, A, :all);
divergence(f, x)

Calculate the divergence of the vector field f, in the point x.


julia> f(x) = 2x;

julia> x = rand(Vec{3});

julia> divergence(f, x)
curl(f, x)

Calculate the curl of the vector field f, in the point x.


julia> f(x) = Vec{3}((x[2], x[3], -x[1]));

julia> x = rand(Vec{3});

julia> curl(f, x)
3-element Tensor{1,3,Float64,3}:
laplace(f, x)

Calculate the laplacian of the field f, in the point x. If f is a vector field, use broadcasting.


julia> x = rand(Vec{3});

julia> f(x) = norm(x);

julia> laplace(f, x)

julia> g(x) = x*norm(x);

julia> laplace.(g, x)
3-element Tensor{1,3,Float64,3}:


We here give a few examples of differentiating various functions and compare with the analytical solution.

Norm of a vector

\[f(\mathbf{x}) = |\mathbf{x}| \quad \Rightarrow \quad \partial f / \partial \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{x} / |\mathbf{x}|\]
julia> x = rand(Vec{2});

julia> gradient(norm, x)
2-element Tensor{1,2,Float64,2}:

julia> x / norm(x)
2-element Tensor{1,2,Float64,2}:

Determinant of a second order symmetric tensor

\[f(\mathbf{A}) = \det \mathbf{A} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \partial f / \partial \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{A}^{-T} \det \mathbf{A}\]
julia> A = rand(SymmetricTensor{2,2});

julia> gradient(det, A)
2×2 SymmetricTensor{2,2,Float64,3}:
  0.566237  -0.766797
 -0.766797   0.590845

julia> inv(A)' * det(A)
2×2 SymmetricTensor{2,2,Float64,3}:
  0.566237  -0.766797
 -0.766797   0.590845

Hessian of a quadratic potential

\[\psi(\mathbf{e}) = 1/2 \mathbf{e} : \mathsf{E} : \mathbf{e} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \partial \psi / (\partial \mathbf{e} \otimes \partial \mathbf{e}) = \mathsf{E}^\text{sym}\]

where $\mathsf{E}^\text{sym}$ is the major symmetric part of $\mathsf{E}$.

julia> E = rand(Tensor{4,2});

julia> ψ(ϵ) = 1/2 * ϵ ⊡ E ⊡ ϵ;

julia> E_sym = hessian(ψ, rand(Tensor{2,2}));

julia> norm(majorsymmetric(E) - E_sym)