Managing external packages for your Genie app

Genie fully takes advantage of Julia's excellent package manager, Pkg – while allowing Genie developers to use any 3rd party package available in Julia's ecosystem. This is achieved by taking a common sense approach: Genie apps are just plain Julia projects. This can be easily confirmed by looking at the familiar Project.toml and Manifest.toml files in the root of your Genie app.

In order to add extra packages to your Genie app, thus, we need to use Julia's Pkg mode:

  1. start a Genie REPL with your app: $ bin/repl. This will automatically load the package environment of the app.
  2. switch to Pkg mode: julia> ]
  3. add the package you want, for example OhMyREPL: (MyGenieApp) pkg> add OhMyREPL

That's all! Now you can use the packages at the Genie REPL or anywhere in your files via using or import.

Use the same approach to update all the packages, via: pkg> up to apply all available updates, or pkg> up OhMyREPL to update a single package.

Finally, you can use pkg> remove OhMyREPL to uninstall a dependency.