
A Julia wrapper around MiniFB, a small cross platform library that makes it easy to render 32 bit pixels in a window.

Quick Start

window = mfb_open_ex("My Window", WIDTH, HEIGHT, MinFB.WF_RESIZABLE)

buffer = zeros(UInt32, WIDTH*HEIGHT)
while true
    # TODO add some rendering into the buffer
    state = mfb_update(buffer)
    if state != MiniFB.STATE_OK

The code in this package calls directly and transparently into the C library. All the library functions begin with mfb_, and are exported from this module. Constants are not exported, and must be prefixed with the module name.

The window object, returned by the mfb_open and mfb_open_ex functions, is often passed in to other functions. This value happens to be an opaque pointer, so it should not be de-referenced in Julia code. Simply store it, untyped, and pass it back in when required.

It may be useuful to read the source and documentation of the C library, including the C header file.