Code generation using Clang

The code for this package has been generated using Clang.jl.

  • Add Clang.jl to the current environment
  • Change current working directory to MiniFB/src
  • Clone the source of the MiniFB library from to /tmp

Then run the following code will regenerate the files:

const MINCLUDE = "/tmp/minifb/include/"
const MHEADERS=["/tmp/minifb/include/MiniFB_enums.h", "/tmp/minifb/include/MiniFB.h"]

wc = init(; headers=MHEADERS, output_file="libminifb_api.jl",
                   clang_includes=vcat(MINCLUDE, CLANG_INCLUDE),
                   clang_args=["-I", MINCLUDE],
                    header_wrapped = (root, current)->root == current,
                   header_library = x->"libminifb",
                   clang_diagnostics = true


This will generate ctypes.jl, libminifb_api.jl and libminifb_common.jl.