Image viewer using MiniFB

This example displays the PNG files in a directory, rotating through the available images on each mouse click.

This code needs Images.jl and ImageTransformations.jl. Add those packages to your environment before proceeding

using Images
using ImageTransformations
using MiniFB

Set the size of the window

global const WIDTH = 600
global const HEIGHT = 400

Global state

global ni = 1
global num_images = 1

A function that will be called when a mouse button is clicked. It simply rotates the current image by storing a global integer.

function onclick(window, button, mod, isPressed)::Cvoid
    global ni, num_images
    if Bool(isPressed)
        if ni < num_images
            ni = ni+1
            ni = 1
    return nothing

The callback needs to be passed to the C library. The @cfunction macro creates a

onclick_c = @cfunction(onclick, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, mfb_mouse_button, mfb_key_mod, UInt8) )

Populate a MiniFB buffer from the image data. First, resize the image to the window dimensions. Calculate it's position so that it is centered in the window. Finally, inside the loop, convert each pixel to the 32 bit MiniFB buffer format.

function populate_buffer!(buffer, img)
    global WIDTH, HEIGHT
    buffer[:] = zeros(UInt32, HEIGHT*WIDTH)
    h, w = size(img)
    ratio = min(1, HEIGHT/h, WIDTH/w)
    nimg = imresize(img, ratio=ratio)
    nh, nw = size(nimg)
    oh = (HEIGHT-nh) ÷ 2
    ow = (WIDTH-nw) ÷ 2
    for i in 1:nh
        for j in 1:nw
            buffer[(oh+i-1)*WIDTH + ow+j] = mfb_rgb(nimg[i,j])

This is the main function. It takes a directory, calls loadfiles to get the image data. Creates the windows, and sets up the callback. Then, inside the while loop, renders the buffer into the window. The mfb_update not only renders the buffer, but also flushes the input event queue. The buffer is changed only when the state changes. The mfb_wait_sync method enforces the required frame rate.

function imageview(dir::String=".")
    global ni, num_images
    images = loadfiles(dir)
    num_images = length(images)
    buffer = zeros(UInt32, HEIGHT*WIDTH)
    window = mfb_open_ex("Image Viewer", WIDTH, HEIGHT, MiniFB.WF_RESIZABLE);
    mfb_set_mouse_button_callback(window, onclick_c);
    while mfb_wait_sync(window)
        if ni != old_ni
            populate_buffer!(buffer, images[ni])
            old_ni = ni
        state = mfb_update(window, buffer);
        if state != MiniFB.STATE_OK

Load the files from disk. Select all png files, and then use ImageIO to load them into memory.

function loadfiles(dir::String=".")
    files = readdir(dir)
    filter!(x->occursin(r"\.png"i, x), files)
    [load(joinpath(dir,x)) for x in files]

Finally, call the main method to display the application

imageview(joinpath(dirname(pathof(MiniFB)),"..", "example"))