Tuesday, March 18 | 11:00 AM ET (US) Events Compilation of Julia Code for Deployment in Model-Based Engineering Workflows Register
Wednesday, March 26 | 1:00 PM ET (US) Events Julia for Engineers Part 2: Modeling Steady-State and Dynamic Systems Register
Tuesday, April 8 | 1:00 PM ET (US) Events Design and Deployment of Embedded Control Systems with JuliaSim Register
Thursday, April 24 | 1:00 PM ET (US) Events JuliaHub for Pharma: Fast, Interactive Development and Reproducible Workflows Register
Tuesday, March 18 | 11:00 AM ET (US) Events Compilation of Julia Code for Deployment in Model-Based Engineering Workflows Register
Wednesday, March 26 | 1:00 PM ET (US) Events Julia for Engineers Part 2: Modeling Steady-State and Dynamic Systems Register
Tuesday, April 8 | 1:00 PM ET (US) Events Design and Deployment of Embedded Control Systems with JuliaSim Register
Thursday, April 24 | 1:00 PM ET (US) Events JuliaHub for Pharma: Fast, Interactive Development and Reproducible Workflows Register