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Trimming, Linearization, and Model Predictive Control (MPC) Design with JuliaSim

Trimming, Linearization, and Model Predictive Control (MPC) Design with JuliaSim - JuliaHub Webinar

On-Demand Webinar

Watch a step-by-step demonstration of a typical workflow for a control engineer with JuliaSim. Using a realistic case study of controlling a non-linear Research Civil Aircraft Model (RCAM), you’ll learn about:

  • Building the dynamic system model using ModelingToolkit

  • Trimming, linearization and the trim point

  • Formulation and solution of a closed-loop linear MPC model together with the non-linear observer and plant model

The new MPC surrogatization feature presented allows for fast, optimizer-free closed-loop control by learning the control law from data. With the toolkit, linear MPC problems can be solved at 4000 Hz, nonlinear MPC problems at 1000 Hz, and surrogatized MPC problems at 1,000,000 Hz.


JuliaHub Modeling Platform Team - Dr. Fredrick Bagge Carlson, Senior Software Engineer
Dr. Fredrik Bagge Carlson
Senior Software Engineer
Dr. Avinash Subramanian
Sales Engineering

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